Here are words that were shared to the founder of VisionEd!

Thank you! You make such a difference in this world.

You are a great visionary.

I’m so glad I had the chance to work with you.
Great educator, always listening, always in solution mode,
and thinking outside the box.
Thank you!

I’ve always appreciated your human side.
You are a woman of heart who knows how
to make a difference.
Keep following your heart!

I appreciate your words of advice. They are important to me.

I left a little present for you on your desk.
I thought of you when I saw this “Jar of Happiness” because you love quotes. It’s just to say thank you for being the awesome principal that you are.
Your humanistic side makes us feel appreciated and listened to.

I really appreciate your efficiency.

Thank you for bringing us, as a team of custodians, to a restaurant.
Nobody has ever done this for us before.

I have a lot of fun at school with you. You are like a ray of sunshine in my days.

A little message to congratulate you on the wonderful job you do.
Your interpersonal relationships, your organizational skills and
your beautiful personality make you a mobilizing principal.
Keep up the good work.
I appreciate you.

Thank you for treating us as equals, no matter our title.

I really admire who you are and everything you do for everyone.
You are a well-respected person with an extraordinary presence.

You give me wings to fly further.

I find you absolutely admirable and this is a testament of your authenticity, your integrity and the respect you accord yourself.

 Ah! Jolene! I loved working with you, an incredible leader.
Thank you once again for your great confidence.
You have certainly been a huge positive influence for me.
Thank you for everything and good luck with your new projects!

Lily thanks you and loves you very much too…

(Free Translation)

This is Lily!

She was the therapy dog at Le Marais School, and she is owned by Mme Cynthia. I am happy to have played a role as the principal involved who contributed to help make this great initiative possible.

I first had the pleasure and privilege of working with Jolène when we were both numeracy mentors in our respective school districts. A few years later, we found ourselves as work colleagues, thus forming the brand new principal and vice principal team of Amirault school. A few years later, we had the honor of being the first principal and vice principal team at Le Marais school.

Jolène is a person who reflects a lot! She has this ability to see things differently and it is this aspect that makes Jolène a unique ally! She is a person who analyzes problems from another angle and who is always looking for lasting solutions.

She knows how to make herself available and her active listening skills invite us to share our ideas and ideologies with her. She has the gift of transmitting her positive energy and her creative ideas in order to get things done.

Very generous of her person, her time and being very committed to everything related to education, Jolène is THE person who can advance files, without fear of going off the beaten track, and thus charting the path to follow. in order to always aim to go further! She often uses the saying “alone we go faster, together we go further!” because she is a team player!

(Free Translation)

Diane Laplante

Vice Principal
Le Marais School
Dieppe NB, Canada